Project wins Parthian and Library of Wales Award for Outstanding impact in Culture, the Arts and Sport

The positive work to regenerate the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks achieved recognition in June, winning the Parthian and Library of Wales Award for Outstanding impact in Culture, the Arts and Sport. The award commended the initial research into the copper industry...

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The Living History festival at Hafod-Morfa Copperworks

The Living History festival at Hafod-Morfa Copperworks on 14th June 2014 was a huge success! People came in their thousands from Swansea and much further afield too to see the progress at the site and enjoy the entertainments on...

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CuSP Community Archaeology Project

GGAT are putting together their latest phase of community archaeology work at the Hafod-Morfa CCopperworks – CuSP. Otherwise known  as the Copper Slag Project. GGAT’s community archaeologist Janet will be launching the project on Monday the 17th February at...

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